Essential Trash for Essential Workers: The Friday the 13th Series! (Part 2)

Hey all!

Here we are, with part 2 of my Friday the 13th review. Why is there more than one part to it, you ask? Well, audiences have been asking the same questions about the series for years! Anyway, let’s pick up where we left off!

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Essential Trash for Essential Workers: The Friday the 13th Series! (Part 1)

Hey all!

I don’t think that anyone in their right mind would consider the Friday the 13th series to be high art or even good movies. In fact, the series is pretty well known for two things: boobs and gore. And you know what…that’s absolutely fine with me!

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The 5 Best (and Worst) Episodes of The Twilight Zone: Season 1!

Hey all!

While the good ol’ USA continues to spiral into a hopeless political and sociological cesspool, I’ve taken it upon myself to block out all that and get back into the Twilight Zone. What does it say about the world when the Twilight Zone is a more appealing reality than the one we live in?

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Essential Movies For Essential Workers: Drag Queen Double Feature!

Hey all!

Drag queen road comedies are quickly becoming a beloved sub-genre for me.  I admit, it is a limited sub-genre, but it has enough entries for me to do a highlight, so there!  The two best films that fall into this category are the 1994 Australian movie, The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, and the 1995 American movie, To Wong Foo: Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar.  If either one of those titles doesn’t draw you in immediately, then I don’t know what to tell you.  

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Essential Movies for Essential Workers: The Vacation Series!

Hey all!

Look, everyone has seen at least one of the National Lampoon’s Vacation movies. If you have lived anywhere where American culture has the slightest bit of impact, you are familiar with the Griswold clan and their lovable goofball of a Dad, Clark W. Griswold. His perpetual struggle to create the perfect vacation for his family is instantly relatable to anyone who is a father, has a father, has had a father, or has been in a family.

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Essential Movies for Essential Workers: Sea Fever

Hey all!

If you are anything like me, you hate the ocean and everything that happens within it. Shipwrecks, tidal waves, shark attacks, and fucking drowning are only a few of the very real, very legitimate threats that the ocean provides. However, this week we are gonna explore Sea Fever, a movie that takes my hatred of the ocean, and adds a cinematic threat to the list.

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Tales From Outer Darkness ON SALE THIS WEEK!!!

Hey all!

It’s time for my favorite kind of blog post: pimping my book!  As anyone who knows me will tell you, I’m not really a marketing guy.  The whole concept is foreign, and honestly, a little awkward for me.  I’m not used to telling people how great my book is, or how much they’ll love it.  Frankly, I don’t know if you’ll love it or not.  However, from June 3rd to June 10th, you can roll the dice a little more freely.  That’s right, my home skillet, Tales From Outer Darkness is on sale!  Click here to get yourself a digital copy!

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Essential Music for Essential Workers: Tenacious D!!!

Hey all!

There are few albums in the history of rock ‘n roll that can be truly called ‘timeless’. Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd sounds as good today as it did when it was released in 1973. Likewise, Pet Sounds by The Beach Boys will always sound like it was composed by Jesus Christ and sang by the 12 Apostles. However, both of these masterpieces are overshadowed by Tenacious D, possibly the greatest acoustic-comedy-rock-metal duo of all time, and their seminal 2001 self-titled album. Thats 21 years ago! That’s right, you motherfucker, this album is old enough to drink!

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Tales From Outer Darkness: Now In Paperback!!!

Hi all!

My runaway smash “hit” Tales From Outer Darkness is now in paperback form!  What does that mean?  Well, it means that you can buy a copy and have it delivered to your house.  You can read about my exploits growing up and out of the Mormon Church, hilarious tales about how I ruined temple trips, and how I left the church and the struggles of finding meaning outside of a high demand religion. Or, if you don’t want to read the book, that’s ok! There are a lot of other things you can do with it.  Let’s look at all the great things that you can do with a copy of Tales From Outer Darkness!

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Standing On The Shoulders of Apostate Giants!

Hey all!

When I left the Mormon church 13 years ago, the cultural and technological landscape of the good ol’ USA looked a bit different.  The support system for recently resigned, excommunicated, or questioning LDS people was limited, though strong.  The CES Letter had yet to be written.  Most of all, the wonderful ExMo community on YouTube was nowhere near as big as it is now.  In fact, YouTube was still gaining its footing and content was not as, shall we say, professionally done as it is today.

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I’M NUMBER #1…or so I’ve been told

Hey all!

Well, it’s only been five days since I published Tales From Outer Darkness, my new book, and already it’s been getting some traction on Amazon! Don’t know what Amazon is? Yes you do! Don’t lie. We are all beholden to Lord Bezos!

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Hey all!  

Well, Happy New Year!  Even though coronavirus is still spreading faster than crabs at Daytona Beach, the economy sucks harder than a shop vac, and the climate is freezing all of those ranch dressing eating folks in the Midwest, I still think that we have a fair to middling chance that we might make it through this one! Good luck, Ohio!  Ope!

Continue reading “HOLY CRAP! I WROTE A BOOK!”

Essential Films for Essential Workers: In The Mouth Of Madness

Hey all!

October is chugging along and you know what that means: Alan talks about another John Carpenter movie!  In all honesty, it’s been a fair while since I last posted.  In my defense, I have a pretty decent excuse.  I have been in school for my Masters in Social Work and I have been getting ready for the publication of my first book based on my hilarious Mormon Stories blog posts!  It will be available on Amazon, hopefully before the end of the year, so I will keep you updated!  Ok, enough shameless self-promotion!  

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Essential Movies for Essential Workers: Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me

Hey all!  

So first off, I gotta bit of updates and house-keeping to do.  I am currently in the process of putting the final touches on a new book!  It is about my experiences in the Mormon religion and the process of leaving it.  If you are familiar with my Mormon Stories on my blog, it is essentially a polished, expanded, and honestly better written telling of these stories.  I appreciate all the feedback that everyone has given on my blog entries, so I think I was able to make the book way better.  I am still thinking of a title, still need a cover, still need to get a second editor, but it’s coming!  

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Essential TV For Essential Workers (I guess): Twin Peaks (Season 1 + 2)

Hey all!

Let’s start by stating the obvious: Twin Peaks is probably the most important TV show of the 90’s. It changed the way TV shows looked, what subject matter was shown, the acting, all of it. If you like X-Files, Lost, Game of Thrones, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, or even Pete and Pete, you gotta thank Twin Peaks. It took a lot of risks, it set a lot benchmarks, and it ultimately crumbled under the weight of its own greatness.

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